5 day Survival Immersion Challenge

A real learning experience. We will teach you and support you in an great survival week of learning. Preparing you for possible survival situations in the backcountry of BC.

Your stuck a days travel from a dirt road and you lost your gear in a bad river crossing! Can you survive until help arrives?

This course is for anyone that is looking to gain confidence or push their recreation far off the beaten track. In BC this is a beautiful place to do it and to do it with a bunch of skills and mental preparation in your back pocket can give you the confidence to go that bit further.

We cover all the basics in this course and go further in depth to what a survival situation might look like. We spend a large chunk of time on fires, shelters, signal fires and water and food. Don’t worry we will feed you! Most learning is best done on a full belly.

You will be sleeping under tarps and improvised shelters and cooking your own meals. It all leads to a culmination of you putting your new skills to the test in a supported scenario where you spend a night alone in the woods. Some of what you learn cannot be taught by reading a book or watching you tube. Out there, In the woods and mountains there are more variables that can change everything than can ever be listed in a video. There are more subtleties which only practice and experience give insight in to. We will give you the confidence that should the s*** hit the fan then you might just be all ok.

“For a man who is lost, the three greatest dangers in order of importance are: Fear, Cold and Hunger.

He may endure extreme hunger for a week, and extreme cold for a day but extreme fear may undo him in an hour. There is no way of guarding against this greatest danger except by assuring him that he is fortified against the other two.”

Ernest Thompson Seton

Ernest Thompson Seton was the first Cheif Scout of America. This quote stands true today. You never know how you will react in any given survival situation but having training will help to make your choices easier and could be the difference between life and death.

We look forward to seeing you on our course and hear about your next adventure.

Goals and Objectives

  • Fire lighting methods
  • Shelter building
  • Water purification
  • Survival psychology what to do
  • Survival Kits what to carry
  • Tarp set ups
  • Cooking on fires
  • Knots
  • Overnight solo
  • Bear awareness and safety
  • Prevention better than cure


5 Days

22-26th May 2021

2-6th October 2021


Registration $100

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Full Price $500 (525.00 inc GST)

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